Events in Terni

Social Aggregation Events

Mostra mercato a Terni
Social Aggregation Events

Il Cioccolentino is the market exhibition on the sale, display and tasting of chocolate, held in the historic center of Terni in the days around Valentine's Day. In the stands that dot the streets of the city, mainly confectionery products (based on chocolate) and products linked to local and national food excellence are exhibited.

In addition to commercial activities, the event is a riot of entertainment activities for adults and children: educational workshops, cultural activities, music, tastings, ideal items for shopping and having fun in a romantic atmosphere full of folklore.


For information and reservations

Via della Pernice, 31
05100 Terni

Website: Cioccolentino

Email: -


See also:

The Valentine's Fair

Market Exhibition Thoughts of Love


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Activities for Lovers