Distanze da Terni
Terni Town


Distances from major tourist centers and centers of worship near the city of Terni and numbers of public utility.


The distances from Terni to the most interesting places by road:

From Rome: 102 km

From Florence: 228 km

From Perugia: 83 km

From Orvieto: 74 km

From Spoleto: 32 km

From Norcia and Cascia: 75 km

From Assisi and Santa Maria degli Angeli: 74 km

From Collevalenza: 34 km

Tyrrhenian Sea: 100 km

Adriatic Sea: 110 km


Useful numbers Viability

- ATC SERVIZI S.p.A. (local public transport company): 0744.492711; website: http://www.atcterni.it/index.html

- TAXI: 0744.425294

- TAXI PIAZZA DANTE (in front of the railway station): 0744.425994

- Umbra Regional Central Station: 0744.424930
- Traffic Police: 0744.426000


Public security

- Railway Police: 0744.404967

- Traffic Police: 0744.4801

- Police Headquarters: 0744.4801

- Carabinieri 0744.4731



- Emergency medical service: 0744.275888

- Public assistance: 0744.428150

- Hospital: 0744.2051

- Red Cross: 0744.275000