Festa della Promessa
Religious Events


The Feast of the Promise is celebrated during the month of February, all engaged couples who will marry within the current year, both Italian and from abroad, are invited to the celebration. On this occasion a particular Eucharistic celebration is held presided over by the Bishop of Terni with the presence of the mayor.

At the ceremony the engaged couples exchange the promise of marriage in front of the Valentine's urn, the bishop through the intercession of the patron saint of Terni, the first bishop of the city, blesses all the couples who have arrived on the occasion, wishes them a prosperous and peaceful future family life and in conclusion all couples are given a handwritten name parchment and a bouquet of flowers to future brides.

Booking to participate in the Feast of the Promise is simple, fast and free.


Online booking service not active, contact the number ++39 328 1763991


To book just fill in the following form:

His Name:*
His Address:
Her Name:*
Her Address:
Verification code:

By sending this email you accept the consent for the processing of data for the purposes referred to above.



See also

Overnight in Terni